TownSq Frequently Asked Questions

TownSq is available for download on iOS and Android devices. Please follow the steps below to download the TownSq app on your Android:

  1. Open the Google Play Store (Android) or the iTunes store (iOS)
  2. Search or browse for “TownSq”
  3. Select the TownSq icon
  4. Tap Install.
  5. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete.
  1. Visit
  2. Click member login
  3. You will be sent to TownSq
  4. Enter your account number and zip code
  5. Provide an email address and create a password.

That’s it!  You’re now registered and logged in to TownSq!

  1. On the top portion of your billing statement from your management company: or
  2. On the upper portion of your coupons.

From the web:

  1. Visit
  2. Click member login
  3. Login to TownSq
  4. From the top of your home page feed, select the account that you would like to apply a payment.
  5. Click “make a payment” to choose from a menu of options including pay your open balance, set up a recurring payment or make a one-time custom payment.

From the TownSq app:

  1. From the top of the mobile fee, choose the account that  you would like to apply a payment.
  2. Click “make a payment” to choose from a menu of options including pay your open balance, set up a recurring payment or make a one-time custom payment.

For payment questions, email

If you have questions on your statement or about your bill, please contact your account manager at Texas Star Community Management @   Please include your property address and your account manager will reply within 24 business hours.

If you need to update your name or mailing address please send it to your account manager at Texas Star Community Management in writing.  It may be sent by email or US postal service.

There are several options for payment:

  1. You may mail a check at no additional cost.  Send payments to:
    P.O. Box 660832
    Dallas, Texas 75266-0832
  1. You may set up a direct debit with no additional cost.  Please contact your account manager at Texas Star Community Management to submit the appropriate paperwork.  Submit to
  2. You may pay by Echeck for a convenience fee of $2.95
  3. You may pay by Credit/Debit Card for a convenience fee of $7.95